One Degree

  • An environmentally sensory public sculpture acting as a visual indicator of our changing climate.

    A sculpture pitch for the Piece Hall in Halifax. A space once used for the trade of cloth, now for the trade of ideas.

    The darning needle is the most primitive and ever-present textile tool. Used by mankind since pre-historic times when bone needles threaded sinew to join pelts, it is still an essential part of the textile industry today. It is symbolic of the skilled handiwork behind-the-scenes in the textile industry, where darners and menders repair sections of cloth before the final piece is ready for distribution. This simple tool can be a huge driver in waste reduction. It contributes to a more sustainable supply chain, whilst allowing consumers to extend the lifespan of textile products.

    With humanity’s attitude to waste having a devastating impact on the planet, increasing carbon emissions and consequently global warming. The humble darning needle embodies the seemingly forgotten importance of caring for material items, repairing and maintaining rather than disposing of and replacing.

    The positioning and construction of the darning needle mimics a sundial, while the use of photochromic, thermochromic and hydrochromic technologies indicate the constant and fragile changing states of our environment. This daily shift in colour will act as a reminder to remain mindful of our own individual daily actions that contribute positively / negatively toward Global shifts in our climate. One Degree is in reference to the race against time to avoid even one degree rise of warming above pre-industrial temperatures. We must work together to avoid reaching irreversible tipping points.

    As such, this work intends to provoke discussion around sustainability, waste reduction and climate change. As time passes, global warming of even one degree could be catastrophic for the planet. Such discussion can stimulate the urgent shift in attitude needed, turning audiences to the principles locked within the darning needle, needed for the survival of humanity and our our planet. as we know it.

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